Is it time to share what I have been working on?
Scribbling away on my numerous notebooks,
Without order or consistency.
Just free-flow - free-style.
Observations. Words, feelings, that stand out from the rest.
I’ve flown from flower to flower, gathered the nectar,
now homing in on the hive mind, the honey.
We travelled. We landed. We acknowledged,
We did our best to understand.
And now is the time to imagine together again.
That consolidation of healing,
the twisty, wistful branches of dreams,
imaginations intertwined, crystallised.
I’m going to stop talking in “I thinks and I would suggests and perhaps and maybes”
I’m now old enough to say I know.
Of course I am always learning,
But now my own eyes tell me certain things to be true.
These truths are known.
They know. They know. They all definitely know.
I’ve learned we must lean,
Lean into the complexity, together.
I have found it is never only me, always us
who are finding things difficult, complex.
Who has a choice to stay silent?
Which words to use,
how forward to be,
how backwards can be accepted.
Only with honesty and forgiveness comes progress.
No more elephants in the room.
No stone unturned.
And only then,
as the welcome table is laid,
can the real work start.