The Dementia Diaries, which tells the stories of dementia through the eyes of grandchildren, was a groundbreaking book co-created by humanKINDER Founder Emma and Film-maker Matthew Snyman in 2013. This NHS award-winning project has now been republished for a global audience.
The Dementia Diaries is a 'novel in cartoons' which shares illustrated cartoons based on true stories of "the good days, the bad days and everything in between". Directing this initiative from concept to distribution, Emma spent considerable time with all the families involved, working in collaboration with creative film-maker Matthew Snyman, teacher Nicki Komorowski and an advisory board of medical and social care professionals. Uniquely, the team reported back to an Editorial Board of all contributing children and families - Young Carers themselves defining the specification for the book "where the facts are true and the feelings are real".
The book is now accompanied by a 150 page Learning Resource, in the same style and featuring the same characters, which is available as a free download via a QR code in the new hardback edition. The team are currently exploring next stage investment to further develop this extraordinary learning content.
An article about creating The Dementia Diaries and their impact was published in the UK and Australian Journal of Dementia Care and is available here.
In 2015, Emma and Matthew were invited to Denmark for a book tour of social, health and educational settings in the Midt region of Denmark. The book's new hardback edition by Jessica Kingsley Publishers has been a resounding success and continues to inform and inspire audiences around the world. US based Global Health Aging ran a book giveaway for Dementia Awareness Week in 2016 and it has been recognised in the School Library Association Prize Long List for 2017.
The Dementia Diaries is available to purchase in the UK here and internationally here.