welcome أهلا بك bienvenue පිළිගැනීමේ yá'át'ééh خوش آمدید haere mai 欢迎 nnabata ברוך הבא स्वागत हे ようこそ 환영 тавтай морилно уу خوش آمدی පිළිගැනීමේ வரவேற்பு hosgeldiniz خوش آمدید xush kelibsiz chào mừng olandiridwa barka da zuwa nnabata أهلا بك amohela soo dhawow karibu kaabo wamukelekile maayong ողջույն welina ကြိုဆို maligayang pagdating 欢迎 selamat datang მისასალმებელი sugeng rawuh ಸ್ವಾಗತಾರ್ಹ tonga soa स्वागत selamat datang haere mai afio mai maeva/manava talitali fiefia via yourdictionary.com
humanKINDER Ltd is an award winning creative research and social innovation agency based in the UK and France.
“Our mission is to amplify silenced voices for a humanKINDER world, through a work programme that celebrates our shared humanity.
We use universal languages to facilitate equity of engagement, expression, inclusion & participation.
We know that liberated voices play the most important role in authentic social design, transformational change and systems rebuild.”
Browse our work portfolio below.
Link here to hire or partner with us.
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Be informed and inspired by our team.
“Ich schätze Menschen, die sich getrauen, über den Tellerrand zu blicken, um so den eigenen Horizont zu erweitern. Ich schätze Menschen, die viel spüren und ihr Herz im richtigen Moment öffnen. Ich schätze Menschen, die ihre eigenen Wege gehen, sich selbst ein Bild machen und sich nicht von außen steuern lassen. Ich schätze Menschen, die Empathie haben. Ich schätze Menschen, die ihren Reichtum nicht in Macht, Geld und anderen materiellen Dingen suchen, sondern in sich ihren Reichtum entdecken. Ich versuche, so zu leben, jedoch nicht, weil es mein Verstand mir vorschreibt oder ich es in der Schule gelernt habe, sondern weil es ein Bedürfnis meines Herzens ist. Und deshalb werde ich immer spüren, wem ich vertrauen kann.
I appreciate people who dare to think outside the box to broaden their horizons. I appreciate people who feel a lot and open their hearts at the right moment. I appreciate people who go their own ways, get a picture of themselves and do not let themselves be controlled from the outside. I appreciate people who have empathy. I appreciate people who do not seek their wealth in power, money and other material things, but discover their wealth in themselves. I try to live that way, but not because my mind dictates to me or I learned it at school, but because it is a need of my heart. And that’s why I always feel who I can trust.”
MECS Passy
Continuing our work with Refugee and displaced youth in Haute Savoie, France, in collaboration with MECS Passy and Chamonix Welcome Collective
DunDEED Prize Winners
Global design research prize awarded by Design Indaba and the European Academy of Design
The Welcome Tent
“16,000 miles from Calais to Greece in an ex-army catering tent repurposed for peace.” Collaborations with The Angel Microbrewery, United Kingdom; Den Nye Havn, Rethinking Activism Festival in Denmark; De Huiskamer, Dutch Design Week, The Netherlands; Hans Sauer Stiftung, Germany; Paris Refugee Ground Support, France; Kamba and Ricetta Milano, Italy; Schmatz, Switzerland; Communitism and Refugee Village for Freedom, Greece.
Reframing Migration
“Migration is social innovation, where "people on the move" are welcomed and collaborate as equals, generating value for everyone. By learning from each other we will find more similarities than differences, that enable us to live well together.” From a report in partnership with the Design for Innovation and Sustainability Network founded by Professor Ezio Manzini.
Social Innovation Lab Kent
A partnership with Engine Service Design, SILK was described as the “conscience of the organisation” by Debra Exall, Head of Policy, Kent County Council.
“Lift one foot and put it in front of the other, if you keep moving the road is created by itself”, Muka Founder of MukaCariza sharing her story at Dutch Design Week 2018. Filmed by Dawit Wolde Aregai of Queen Production
Felix describing The Welcome Tent journey between October 2017 to January 2018.
The Welcome Tent at Huiskamer, Dutch Design Week, 2017
THANKYOU danke شکرا Shukran Faleminderit! Շնորհակալություն shnurhagalutiun ধন্যবাদ dhonnobad Hvala Blagodaria / Благодаря Gràcies Merci Děkuji / Díky Mange takتشكر Tashakor Dankjewel مرسی Merci (Maraming) Salamat Kiitos merci Ευχαριστώ Efharistó Köszönöm Takk Grazie 감사합니다 Spas سوپاس Ačiū Фала (Fala) Tusen takk مننه Manana Dziękuję Obrigado / Obrigada Mulțumesc Спасибо spɐsʲˈibə Ďakujem Hvala mahadsanid Gracias Tusen tack நன்றி / நன்றி nanri / nanri ምስጋና ፨ የቀንየለይ Mi´si´gana / yekenyelei Teşekkürler شکریہ Shukriya Cảm ơn